Wildcrafted Pesto
This recipe is so simple, it’s almost impossible for it not to come out deliciously. You can use almost any type of edible green: basil (the classic for pesto), chickweed & dandelion (available from any yard), carrot tops (for a no-waste version), and my all-time favorite wild garlic (always comes out amazing!).
Two Handfuls of Greens (washed and patted dry)
1/2 - 1 Cup Olive Oil (cold-pressed)
1/4 - 1/2 Cup of Nuts or Seeds (my fave is to use sunflower seeds here, but wlanuts, almonds, hemp, cashews work great, too)
Salt & Pepper to taste
Optional: garlic (skip if using wild garlic), chili flakes, roasted nuts, and/or lemon juice or zest
Combine ingredients in a mortar or blender and mix until well-blended. Stays fresh for up to five days in the fridge.